In the past when I used to exercise if something was intense and I felt the aches afterwards the voices in my head would rational that I might be hurting myself and that I should quit and often I did. I recognize now those voices were playing against me. It's true that one can hurt themselves but I am strong and I have a great trainer that is making sure I am doing my workout safely.
This past week my program was stepped up. I am lifting more weighs and I am so focus with each session I spend with Lisa that I give it my all -- and my body definitely felt it!
Wednesday morning we did legs. I have strong legs but after my session I was aching in my left buttock area and thigh. I think it was those wonderful lunges lol. I'm sure I am using muscles that have not been worked that hard before and I was moving slowly throughout the day when I got up and down (ouch ouch). By Thursday afternoon I was back to normal. Yay!
Friday, we did back and triceps. back was seriously feeling it. I'm going to have a beautiful back when all this is done :).
Lisa is always telling me if something hurts while we are working out we will stop it and I am honest and tell her. I'm not going to be a die hard and hurt myself. She is being very careful to make sure I don't hurt myself and she wants to know if something continues to hurt after our session. She has my best interest at heart and I truly appreciate that.
Rather than being attuned to those voices in my head that try to convince me to quit, I am attuned to my body on how it really feels. I understand there are going to be aches here and there as I continue on this journey but when I feel them I am good to myself (sea salt baths/heating pad, etc.) and will watch them but I'm not listening to those negative voices. I remind myself "This too shall past.......and it does." ;) The journey continues and I'm loving it!
Sarah, you are so awesome! Keep it up and you're going to have a great first season. :)