
Saturday, January 19, 2013


I have been committed to working out with Lisa, my trainer, but I haven't been as committed to my cardio.  Today I have made a new commitment as well as my weight trainer.  They really need to go hand-in-hand.

I went to the gym this morning and ran 2 1/4 miles in 30 minutes and then I did floor exercise for my waist and stomach.  I need to work on my core.  After I finished I felt so good.  With that feeling, commitment to cardio should be easy but I know the problem that can cause commitment to go off track.  It's not planning.  Planning your time for fitness is what keep you on track for commitment.

My time with Lisa is dedicated.  I plan to do the same with my cardio.  With commitment, there is success.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Voices In My Head!

In the past when I used to exercise if something was intense and I felt the aches afterwards the voices in my head would rational that I might be hurting myself and that I should quit and often I did.  I recognize now those voices were playing against me.  It's true that one can hurt themselves but I am strong and I have a great trainer that is making sure I am doing my workout safely.

This past week my program was stepped up.  I am lifting more weighs and I am so focus with each session I spend with Lisa that I give it my all -- and my body definitely felt it!

Wednesday morning we did legs.  I have strong legs but after my session I was aching in my left buttock area and thigh. I think it was those wonderful lunges lol.  I'm sure I am using muscles that have not been worked that hard before and I was moving slowly throughout the day when I got up and down (ouch ouch).  By Thursday afternoon I was back to normal. Yay!

Friday, we did back and triceps. back was seriously feeling it.  I'm going to have a beautiful back when all this is done :).

Lisa is always telling me if something hurts while we are working out we will stop it and I am honest and tell her.  I'm not going to be a die hard and hurt myself.  She is being very careful to make sure I don't hurt myself and she wants to know if something continues to hurt after our session.  She has my best interest at heart and I truly appreciate that.

Rather than being attuned to those voices in my head that try to convince me to quit, I am attuned to my body on how it really feels.  I understand there are going to be aches here and there as I continue on this journey but when I feel them I am good to myself (sea salt baths/heating pad, etc.) and will watch them but I'm not listening to those negative voices.  I remind myself "This too shall past.......and it does." ;)  The journey continues and I'm loving it!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 2 of the Journey - Chest and Triceps

Quote for today:   It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

Today my big accomplishment was flat benching 15's.  It was tough but it felt good and I can see in the near future moving up to the next level.  There were some Tricep exercises that were difficult and we only used 5 lb weight.  Amazing how I can flat bench 15's but have difficulty pulling down 5 lbs.  Clearly different muscles and what I found interesting is that my left arm is much stronger than my right.  One would think my dominant arm would be stronger but it's not.

While Lisa is not giving me any direction on food choices (yet lol), I am trying very hard to be mindful of what I'm eating and eating healthy.   She's telling me to enjoy right now because that will all change when it gets closer to my first show - yikes! ;)  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The journey begins.....

Today, Lisa and I started my new program towards my first figure competition that should be in September or October.   I'm very excited....or is "pumped up" the word!  I am committed to this journey that I want and I know I have it in me to reach the goal.

I looked at some "suits" this weekend for the competition and they are a bit overwhelming.  So many choices and they are so tiny lol.  Also, all the women wearing them are gorgeous and right now I don't see myself anywhere close to looking like that but I believe I will be the best that I can be.  I'll be 61 when I compete so I want to be the best 61 year old up there.

Stay tune for more updates.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The scale has finally moved in a direction that it hasn't been to in a long time.  Since working out with Lisa I have lost almost 7lbs.  While that may not sound like a lot, on my short body it is.  Although actually I feel like I can see a lot of changes taking place.  

Lisa and I were suppose to work out this morning but she's ill.  We also were going to take more pictures.  I will do cardio tonight because I need to stay on track and hopefully she is better by Friday and we'll be back on track and take some new pictures.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The "mind" is a funny thing

I haven't been on the scale in awhile and I decided to weigh myself today.  I had in my head what I weighed before so when I got on the scale I was happy with what I saw.  I thought to myself -- I KNEW I was lighter - woohoo!!   I was doing the happy dance lol.  

I logged on to My Fitness Pal to log in my weight and whoaaa the number I had in my head wasn't what I thought.  I am up .4.

Initially I felt my mood drop and suddenly I didn't feel light anymore.  Fortunately, I snapped myself out of it quickly and said "Hey, we're talking about Thanksgiving week and I'm up not even a 1/2 lb --  give yourself a did well!"   

It's amazing how the mind works and how we sometimes determine our worth/happiness based on the scale.  While I do want the scale to go down, I am just as light now as I was before I got on the scale this morning.  That number does not change me and how good I feel about myself.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks!

I am so thankful for many family, my friends, my health, my job, but regarding this particular journey I'm especially thankful for my trainer, Lisa.

I get really excited when I'm working out with her and we talk about my goal - my first show next fall.  I'm learning about how she is helping me work different muscle groups.  There is definitely more to this than just picking up weights!

Physically, I feel exceptionally good.  I don't know what the scale says but I don't care.

Today I worked out with Lisa and it was a great way to start my day!  While I look forward to sharing dinner with my brother, sister, nephew and daughter,  I want to focus on how fortunate I am.   Life is good.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Another week AND Go Lisa!!

Today my personal trainer is competing in a show.  Yesterday I told her that I didn't need to wish her luck because luck is where preparation meets opportunity.  She has "prepared" and today is her "opportunity".  I wish I could have attended the competition but it's in another state but more importantly her parents have come in from out of town and her husband and children are with her.  How exciting it must be for her to have those who love her and support her in something she really enjoys!  I look forward to when I do my first show and while I have a couple of friends that I would like to attend, I know Lisa will be there -- she is my best support system for this journey.

This past week has been really good.  I have been eating mindfully and working out hard.  Lisa had an opening on Thursday so I took that spot and it felt good working out an extra day.

Two interesting things happen to my body this week.  On Wednesday morning, I tried on two pairs of dress black pants and they were very snug in the legs and a little bit snug in the waist.  I suspected that I'm gaining muscle and wrote to Lisa.  She agreed that is probably correct.  The very next day I woke up feeling "lighter" and I decided to get on the scale and much to my surprise I lost a pound!  YAY!  That's a weird thought, tight pants but less on the scale.  Go figure! LOL

My boss found an interesting article yesterday about working out and I felt it explains while I am starting to succeed on this journey compared to what I have done in the past.

Here is the link:  Hop off the treadmill, pick up a dumbbell for faster results

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012 (Veteran's Day)

Today is a day of remembrance of our veterans.  I am a Vietnam veteran (although I did not serve in the war) but I loved serving my country.  However, while in the service I always struggled with my weight.  I was on the "weight program" and even though I was very discipline in my military career, I lacked discipline in my ability to control my eating and weight.  During that time, I hated exercise.  I dreaded the running that was required of us twice a year.  I struggled to reach the Air Force's requirement and always barely made it.

I have come a long way.  I still struggle with controlling my eating.  It's especially a challenge with being gluten free. Learning how to eat right but not too much of the higher fat items that are offer in gluten free.

Exercise wise, I am in a totally different head space.  I really look forward to my workouts with Lisa.  It's hard....sometimes it painful but the sense of accomplishment gives me such a rush that I feel like I can conquer the world.

Unlike my weight loss journeys in the past, when I couldn't wait to get to the goal, this journey to figure competition I'm very patient and in no rush.  I'm not sure why this is but I like the idea of the long term goal and how there will be a continuous transformation taking place along my journey.  While it may be small changes, I have no doubt they will be noticeable, if not to me, to others.

Thank you to all my fellow veterans for your dedication and service!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

How it all started!

All my life I have struggled with my weight.  It wasn't until 1999, following the Weight Watcher program that I reached my goal weight of 132lbs.  Over the last 12 years, my weight has fluctuated and I know fitness is an important factor for me keeping my weight in balance but things have been slipping and I haven't been able to find my 'nitch.'

I have tried many fitness options: spinning, zumba, running, worked out with several personal trainers and have enjoyed them but it wasn't until I started working out with Lisa that I found something different.  Lisa lights a fire within me that I have never felt before.  Maybe it' the 4am workouts three days a week lol - but whatever it is, I'm excited.

Originally when I started working out with her, I was doing it purely for fitness and to lose weight but by the end of October I was inquiring about her expertise in figure competition for body building and I told her I wanted to go for it so I have started a new journey.

Lisa has projected it will take a year for me to get myself ready for my first show.  Did I say that I'm excited?  Well I am.....let the journey begin!